Well... THAT was a bit of a failure of a day!
Here was the plan: Head over to HK in the earlyish morning putter around for a bit then head to Cheung Chau island for a few days. Cheung Chau is one of the outlying islands around Hong Kong and is a bit more Local than many of the other ones. Lamma Island is cool as well but is predominately dominated by Western people it's a bit of an alternate lifestyle kind of place. I like it there but I wanted to try something new. Anyway, the plan was to hang out on the beach for a few days and get away from everyone and have a bit of alone time.
Here is what happened instead:
I got up this morning and my brain would not function... I tried and tried and despite coffee and breakfast I COULD NOT get moving before noon. So once I eventually got up and got my stuff together I made my way to the ferry terminal and was on my way! Problem one: my kindle battery died on the ferry. Now the whole issue of e-readers pros and cons is a subject that I would love to chat about later but for now, just go with it. No problem, I thought, there is a bookstore very near the ferry terminal I will pick up a book and take it with me.
The ferry to HK takes about an hour, hour and a half to get through immigration etc. So once I was through I picked up a book and was on my way... I did have a few errands to run before heading over to Cheung Chau namely a camera issue to resolve which I will tell you about later. But (problem or bad omen number two) before I could do that as I was leaving the ferry hall a man spat on me! YUCK! One thing that is a bit of a surprise here is the hawking and spitting. It seems to be mostly carried out - entirely unapologetically - by the old folk, and takes a bit of getting used to. There is a government drive to stop this habit, and there are posters up everywhere with threats of fines for those caught in the act, but it still happens. A lot.
Anyway so I was walking and an old man spat on my arm. Very gross.... But I got over it eventually and continued on my mission. After the camera part was done. (see below) I made my way over and got the ferry to Cheung Chau. Arriving there it was stating to grow a bit dark so I thought I should probably check into the hotel first thing. It was a bit of walk but I made it only to find out that they lost my reservation! They were--mildly--apologetic and said that they could give me a hand finding somewhere else to stay. Awesome!! Whereupon they called every B&B and hostel on the island and everything was completely booked! Sad face! So I had no choice but to get BACK on the ferry and head back to central HK again. ANNOYING.
I called a few of the regular places we stay when we head into town to find that they too were all booked out. I don't know what was going on today. It was a Tuesday. I shall do some research tonight and figure it out maybe. Sooo I found one place but I didn't want to pay $200 US for a night, when I could pay $6 and come back to my own bed. In the end that's what I did... except when I got to the ferry terminal at 8:45 there was no 9 or 9:30 ferry so I had to wait til the 10. Yuck yuck double yuck!
In the end it's now midnight and I just got home after a very unproductive day. I still have two more days off but I think I will just hang around Macau. Maybe go to the pool tomorrow and make some blueberry muffins or something equally awesome to restore the awesome quota for the week.
Ah the camera story: Basically I had some awesome help today and ended up with a brand new camera! Not what I had intended to do but it's kind of amazing. I heart Canon so much sometimes. Now I have something to play with for quite a while to attempt to master it. I won't go into details but nice helpful people are amazing. Thank you!!!
Mmmmmm... Blueberry muffins.

Sucks!!!! Sorry to hear about your Monday adventures, missy!! The part about the spitting however... Unbelievable! I think I would have spat back! Anyways... Blueberry muffins yum!