Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Songs for before...

 Hello world.  I was sitting on the metro today and I swear... when I am in public I really try not to overhear everything that everyone else is saying.... but sometimes I can't help it.  Anyway I'm sitting on the metro heading to the Smithsonian and these two women behind me start talking about how one of them is making an album... or something to that effect.  The kind of punkier one said to the other that all of the songs titles were things that she had always wanted to tell her ex boyfriends.  Fascinating no?  I really tried to stop listening in at about this point but not before she said that the first title would be "Shut up Already." Ha.

As I walked around the various exhibits I thought if I could create an album to the same effect... what would be on it. 
And the answer is nothing too bad...  I have stayed friends with all my exes for the most part bar one or two...  But I did think it was a funny story and I would totally buy the album just to listen to it the next time I'm a bit heartbroken and in that fuck you kind of mood. 


Hi.  I'm back. 

Yeah... I've been absent for a while.

I've been busy... and absorbed in my own thoughts probably to a point that I just couldn't really share any of them.

I am still not sure how much of them I can share.  Just kind of in a bit of a weird place and trying to figure some stuff out.... more to come on that without pouring my heart out and geting all emo kid on you guys!

So instead I just wanted to share a heap of photos... mostly instagram photos. Of what has been going on here in DC.  I've been here for about 5 weeks now.... living out of a hotel for 5 weeks is new for me... and yikes.

I am off on Thursday and other than maybe a coffee date... I am free.  So I will talk to you all soon.


Top row: My hair.... before and after getting it cut.  Dan and Trish enjoying some lethal rum punch after work at a BBQ. A beautiful butterfly I found at the Natural History Museum.  Boots and Awesome sculpture!  And Museum signs.

Middle Row: The hurricane came to the circus!  And we had to cancel a show!  After we already sat the audience!!!  The natural History Museum.  My LEGS... knitting and knee highs!  The Space museum.

Bottom Row: Wolftrap... what an amazing place.  Before Watchmen... super good.  Luke and the light up bowl.  Ohhhh ahhh.  My lips...... I've been obsessed with orange lately! 

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